Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 4 ICT Current Trends

Inaugural PBL J Med 1000 at UNDA Darlinghurst 2007

Reflecting back on how it all was back then , new
problems to solve, making sense of Problem Based Learning techniques. Learning style analysis could have been helpful , knowing whether the students are VARK learners might be useful ...integrating ICT in that learning environment could have made it more interesting and dynamic. I can see the benefit of authentic learning in the ICT environment, we do a lot of that already in the PBL cases but I found the article on
a good resource to help students and teachers prepare for elearning. As PBL is supposed to encourage self-direction in learning and critical thinking in a group situation, integrating ICT into the PBL is a great learning and teaching medium. Using a wiki to build up the PBL case as a mind mapping exercise may be a way of engaging and motivating students eg. each student researching or working on their specific Learning Objectives (LO) might add to the wiki set up to teach the PBL linking to different websites and journals for up to date and relevant information.

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